Investigating Effective Factors on Participation in Management of the Ghale-Chay Irrigation and Drainage Network

Document Type : Technical paper


Department of Extension and Rural Development, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran


In recent years, development strategies have changed from emphasizing the central role of the government to improving the participation of NGOs and non-governmental organizations. The present study aimed to survey effective factors on participation for management of the Ghale-Chay irrigation and drainage network in Ajabshir county of East Azerbaijan province. The research type was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included 894 farmers. The sample size (n=201) was determined using a systematic random sampling method. Based on the experimental model and using SPSS26 software data analysis was performed. Data were collected using a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The results of multiple regression showed that in total 0.508% of the variance changes of the dependent variable "participation in irrigation network management" are explained. According to the rate of β statistics; the variables of education with -0.406 have the highest and the appropriate function variable with access to farms with the value of 0.197 have the least effect on participation in irrigation network management. It can be concluded about education that the current situation in network management does not meet the expectations of educated people. Therefore, regarding the proper function of access roads to farms, because the agricultural type of the region tends mainly towards the traditional, the effect of this variable from farmers' point of view is not significant


Main Subjects

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Volume 8, Issue 4 - Serial Number 22
Climate change has exacerbated extreme events
March 2022
Pages 1-10
  • Receive Date: 03 July 2021
  • Revise Date: 19 September 2021
  • Accept Date: 20 September 2021