Recommendation of New Approaches for Urban Flood Management

Document Type : review paper


Mashhad Ferdowsi University


Control and collection of flood runoffs are one of the most important and fundamental issues in the watershed management which is more important in cities due to urban development and significant changes in the natural pattern of the watershed. In many countries, traditional urban flood management approaches have focused on the collection, transport, and dispose of the flood runoffs. Nowadays, a modern approach in urban flood management is recommended which relies on methods that best fit the natural cycle of surface water processes, namely "low-impact development" methods. Using this method as one of the key strategies in urban flood management, especially in developed countries, is becoming more important. In Iran, due to the growth of urbanisation and the formation of large cities, urban flood management has growing importance. Therefore, large investments have been made on urban flood management with a traditional approach by creating a variety of structures for flood collection and disposal, and less attention has been paid to low-impact development methods. In this study, low-impact development methods are introduced and already implemented procedures and their role in urban flood management are expressed. Moreover, the best management solutions for different regions of Iran are introduced.


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