Analyzing the Water, Energy and Food Nexus Mechanisms in Small-Scale Farming Exploitation Units of Hamedan Province

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Posdoctoral Researcher, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University and Ph.D. Graduate, Department of Agricultural Development and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Agricultural Development and Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Iran.


The occurrence of natural hazards is always associated with severe damage in the agricultural sector, especially in small-scale farming exploitation units. One of the approaches to deal with these damages is to use the approach of water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in the management decisions of these units. Therefore, the present research was carried out with the aim of analyzing the mechanisms of linking water, energy and food in small-scale farming exploitation units in Hamadan province. The statistical sample of the research was 300 active farmers in small-scale farming exploitation units (below 10 hectares) which were determined by the rule of Cochran formula and sampling was done by cluster method. The main research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire, the content validity of which was confirmed by a panel of agricultural experts and faculty members of the Department of Agricultural Development and Management at the University of Tehran. In addition, the reliability of research’s tool was confirmed through internal consistency procedure calculating Cronbach's alpha and CR (Cumulative Reliability) coefficients (Both above 0.7). Data analysis was carried out using SPSSwin25 and SMART PLS 3 software. The results showed that the overall nexus of water-energy and food from the six dual mechanisms of WEF the Energy or Food has received a more significant effect. According to the findings of the research, in order to strengthen the nexus approach of these vital resources, measures such as providing and introducing coherent and multilateral investment packages; providing training to farmers regarding synergy and unbreakable link of three sources in farm management and paying attention to this approach at different levels of the management system, from policy making and planning are suggested for field-level farm management decisions..


Main Subjects

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