Analytical note: Seventeen questions of water governance

Document Type : Other scientific contents


Researcher in Water Governance, Policy and Diplomacy,


Nowadays, the term governance has become one of the most used terms in policy making. Part of its attractiveness is that the concept of governance in a way shows the weakening of the state-centered views of power and the direction of policies towards community-centered governance. Another part of this appeal is that 'governance' brings private actors and civil society into play as resources and tools for joint public policymaking, at least on paper. Therefore, effective governance is one of the biggest drivers of prosperity and the expansion of justice in societies, which is associated with planning and foresight.

Main Subjects

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Volume 10, Issue 1 - Serial Number 27
Water and food security in the 7th plan of land development and preparation
June 2023
Pages 117-119
  • Receive Date: 10 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 10 June 2023