Identification of sources of pollution caused by livestock, poultry and fish activities in the Mashhad plain aquifer

Document Type : review paper


1 Islamic Azad

2 Gorgan Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources


According to the reports, industrial livestock activities have most pernicious and harmful impacts on water resources quality. Livestock activities include cattle breeding, animals feeding, cleaning animals resting sites, the storage of livestock manure and even abandoned places for livestock keeping impose large negative effects on water quality. Such impacts stems from high density or livestock producing large amounts of waste. The livestock population density is not the only factor affecting the quality of water resources, but also to manage the collection and disposal of animal waste can also affect the quality of water resources. As per surveys and field reconnaissance carried out on Mashhad, in the current situation, animal waste disposal in most cases is done in unwise and unsystematic manner (accumulation and disposal in agricultural land). In general in Mashhad plain, the main cause of water pollution in the vicinity of livestock production is incorrect storage of animal manure so that annually many manure are produced. In case they enter to aquifer, it will causes most hazardous pollution. In ingoing study, the vulnerability of Mashhad Plain Aquifer to pollutants is evaluated and given importance of groundwater resources in the provision of drinking water, some solutions to prevent, control and reduce pollution will be discussed.


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