Analyzing Indicators of Adaptive Capacity of Agricultural Units in Water Insecurity Conditions in Hamedan Province

Document Type : Applied Article


Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.



Over the past decade, the increase in population, pollution of water sources, climate change, excessive extraction of underground water have fueled the reduction of water resources, and Hamedan province has experienced severe water insecurity conditions. Therefore, the present study was conducted to analyze indicators of the adaptive capacity of agricultural units in water insecurity conditions in Hamedan province using the Delphi method. The statistical population of the research was formed by experts in the field of agricultural water management at the university level. By using the purposeful and chain sampling method, 16 experts and experienced specialists from the universities of Tehran University (3 experts), Tarbiat Modares University (8 experts), Bu-Ali Sina University (3 experts), University of Shahrekord (1 expert), Payam-e Noor University of Hamedan (1 expert) were selected as a sample. This selection was made based on their expertise and cognition of the region. The results showed that 17 categories are the most important indicators agreed by experts in this field, categorized into 5 social, agricultural, economic-financial, technical-infrastructural, and institutional components. Based on the results obtained from the principal component analysis, respectively; social (0.473), agricultural (0.236), institutional (0.127), economic (0.088), and technical-infrastructural (0.077) components as the first to fifth important components in adaptive capacity had high importance and weight. Leveraging knowledge as a social component significantly contributes to enhancing adaptive capacity in addressing water scarcity. The greater the farmers' comprehension and awareness of the water scarcity challenge, the higher their adaptive capabilities. Based on the findings, suggestions were made for improving the capacity to adapt to water insecurity in agricultural units.


Main Subjects

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