Pathology of Water Governance in Yazd

Document Type : Applied Article


1 PhD Student, Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Yazd University, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Sociology, Yazd University, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Cooperation and Social Welfare, Faculty of Sociology, Yazd University, Iran


Water governance is a decision-making process in a set of political, economic, social, and executive systems in order to plan, develop water resources management and provide water services in different parts of society. Yazd province is one of the driest provinces in the country due to being located on the central plateau. Therefore, it seems that water governance is necessary in such a way that in different sectors of agriculture, drinking water hygiene, and industry, the main goal project is, to have optimal consumption, and water resources are not destroyed. The approach of the present research is qualitative; The foundation's data method and data collection technique were semi-structured in-depth interviews with three groups of managers and administrative experts, independent experts and experts in the water field, and employers in the industry and agriculture sectors. which were selected by purposeful sampling until reaching theoretical saturation. The data analysis technique was also open, central, and selective coding. The findings of the research showed that the water governance model is based on self-interested governance. This type of governance means paying attention to immediate and present interests and not paying attention to the state of water resources for the future, which has characteristics such as orders from the top to bottom, show, temporary, without paying attention to environmental issues and sustainable development. There has been a lack of interaction between the people and the officials and the defective participation of the stakeholders.


Main Subjects

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Volume 9, Issue 3 - Serial Number 25
Groundwater balancing: easy yet difficult to imitate!
December 2022
Pages 57-72
  • Receive Date: 07 April 2022
  • Revise Date: 29 August 2022
  • Accept Date: 10 September 2022