Investigation of Consumption Management and Estimation of the Drinking Water Demand in the Vision 1420 for the City of Mashhad (Technical Note)

Document Type : review paper


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The new management of water resources, due to the limitations in available water resources utilization and the development of urban communities, should be based on the demand management rather than supply management. However, achieving sustainable consumption patterns, with status indicators such as consumption patterns, culturing, tariff reform and incentive policies either corrective or preventative, is possible in macro management. The factors that determine water demand as well as the consumption reduction actions, should be considered as a connection between the policies for water supply and the availability of renewable resources. Due to the location and pilgrimage to the city of Mashhad, in addition to the urban community decision variables, the supply of water for drinking and other domestic uses is of considerable importance for decision makers. The lack of a program or a pilgrims schedule makes it difficult to estimate the level of water consumption or its demand in the network. Because the Mashhad plain is located in a restricted area the possibility of creating new wells in this critical plain does not exist. Therefore, considering future crisis and the unique location of the city of Mashhad, due to its religious status and the necessity of providing drinking water, investigating the ability to supply water from reservoirs must be included in the Vision 1420. Proposals relying on both conventional and unconventional sources of water must be included in urban domestic water management. By correctly estimating all the determinants of water consumption (30 year forecast) it is possible to predict the level of drinking water demand in the city of Mashhad and develop a suitable management approach.


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Volume 4, Issue 1 - Serial Number 8
Agricultural water efficiency and balancing water resources
September 2017
Pages 125-132
  • Receive Date: 07 October 2015
  • Accept Date: 07 October 2015