Designing a Promotional Model for Improving Irrigation Management to Deal with the Water Shortage Crisis in East Azarbaijn Province

Document Type : Technical paper


1 MSc of Agricultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Management Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch. Tabriz, Iran


This study was conducted to design and present a promotional model for improving irrigation management to deal with the water shortage crisis in East Azarbaijan province. Promoting improved irrigation management is an important key to achieving the goal of productivity of all factors of production and helping to feed the growing population of the earth. Proper irrigation management in agriculture can be one of the most important and basic strategies to deal with the water scarcity crisis. Therefore, proper knowledge of the irrigation process, its optimal management, promotion, and proper use of agricultural water seems necessary. The required information was collected by completing a questionnaire. The statistical population of the study included all extension experts of East Azerbaijan province (N=343). The results of the study showed that there is a significant relationship between education, work experience, and job satisfaction with the level of irrigation management culture. Findings show the lack of knowledge of extension experts and farmers, lack of integration of agricultural lands, more expensive equipment for modern irrigation methods, and lack of choice of appropriate cultivation, which hinders the development of agricultural development in the region.


Main Subjects

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