Issues and Measures of Climate Change Mitigation from the Agricultural Production Management Aspects

Document Type : review paper


Iranian Agricultural Enginerring Research Institute


The agricultural sector is one of the important economic sectors which will be affected by the climate change phenomena. On the other hand, the different activities in this sector will effect the development of climate change in the world, mainly through the increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. There are two approaches on fronting climate change. These two are “Adaptation” and “Mitigation” methods. Mitigation deals with reducing the GHGs, while in adaptation the aim is to ameliorate the unwanted impacts of climate change through a wide range of approaches and measures. This paper provides an analytical review of the literature on the subject of mitigation of climate change in the agricultural sector. Based on the results, the basic approaches of mitigation in agriculture can be identified as seven factors: 1. land use, 2. crop residue and land preparation practices, 3. policies and measures of water management, 4. irrigated agriculture and irrigation development, 5. crop residue management and conservation agriculture, 6. land drainage, and 7. green economy issues. This paper also investigates the importance of climate change mitigation and its legislation into the laws and policies of Iran (mainly the Fifth and Sixth National Development Plans). Overall, it could be concluded that the climate change measures and approaches should be implemented in an integrated manner, otherwise some of these measures, e.g., conservation agriculture, may act in two direction i.e., not in favour of climate change mitigation.


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