Implementation of "Strategic Water Resources Management"; A proposed framework utilizing "Road Map" tool

Document Type : review paper


1 Former MSc , Water Engineering Department, Tarbiat modares, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Tarbiat modares University of tehran, Iran.

4 EXP, Hydrotechtoos Consulting Engineers of Mashhad, Iran.


Action Without a framework, not justified and likely will face a failure or a problem. Due to the multiplicity of factors, extent and complexity of "water resource management context" and the long-term effectiveness of the measures in this context, a definitive explanation seems necessary. This paper proposed a framework, which is based on work carried out under the title "The strategic management of water resources in the southern province" has been prepared, it is reported. In this framework to transform "ideal vision" or the understanding of the overall solution, the utility plans "road map" is used. Framework's steps are: «The status quo», «Group owners discussion», «Developing a shared vision», «Explanation of macro policies», «Road map», «Defining operational policies» and at last «Operational planning». Each steps Details are presented. Before editing action plans, operational policies consistency with the four criteria of consensus, fairness, trustworthiness and reversible are controlled.


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