Investigation of the Need for Elimination of Pistachio Surplus Orchards in Kerman Province Based on Technical, Ethical, Economic, Social, and Environmental Criteria

Document Type : Short Paper


Pistachio Research Center


Admittedly there exists surplus pistachio orchards. There are two points which make it difficult to address this problem. First, what amount of surplus pistachio orchards should be eliminated? Secondly, how can policy makers tackle the resisting of the farmers against the elimination of these surplus orchards? These two questions were answered by a review of past literature and questionnaire feedback from 1597 pistachio producers in Anar and Rafsanjan cities, Kerman province. The results showed that if flood irrigation system is used, 75000 hectares of pistachio orchards (75% of total pistachio orchards) in Anar and Rafsanjan cities are surplus and should be eliminated. Even using advanced irrigation methods, such as pressurised irrigation systems, and increasing the irrigation efficiency up to 90% cannot remove the need for elimination of surplus orchards. In such a system 52000 hectares of pistachio orchards still need to be eliminated. Based on the results, according to technical, ethical, economic, social, and environmental criteria, the elimination of pistachio surplus orchards in Kerman province is justifiable.


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