Implementation of GIS and its application in management and decision-making in water and waste water companies

Document Type : review paper


1 shahid beheshti university

2 shiraz


Water resource Constraints on the one side, the industrial and urban infrastructures which cannot cope with the growing demand, and the need for adequate planning on the other hand, emphasizes the importance of using a comprehensive and systematic approach in the field of water resources management and infrastructure development more obvious and significant day by day. Also, exposure to large amounts of data and spatial data in such infrastructures, raises the use of new technologies for collecting, storing, processing, accessing, modeling, and finally the decision making process in the shortest time, with the highest accuracy and lowest costs. In this paper, as well as the investigation of GIS implementation in Shiraz Water and Wastewater Company, the spatial data in this company and all the information contained in the descriptive database that can be converted into spatial information to help enrich GIS database, were studied. Also, online communication between these databases and the GIS database was established through a Web service (Using SQL Server2008 database management system and Arc SDE interface). Finally, for decision and resource optimization management, the company's updated Spatial and description data through an Internet Map Server were provided to users in different fields.


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