Inverse Solution Technique: Application in Determining the Effective Porosity and Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil in Drainage System of Shadegan Plain

Document Type : review paper


1 Imam Khomeini International University

2 Imam Khomeini International Universit

3 Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization


The inverse solution method is a method in which the required parameters are indirectly determined numerically by solving the equations. Various methods are available to estimate the effective porosity (f) and the soil hydraulic conductivity (k). The inverse technique is one of the most efficient methods for estimating these coefficients.Therefore, determination of these parameters for actual conditions in drainage experimental fields was investigated using the measured values of some indicators and application of the inverse solution method. The volume of outlet water from drainage pipes and the variation in water table height were measured in 24-hour periods for 3 irrigation intervals in the Shadegan plain subsurface drainage system. With the drop in the water table, f was measured with the Taylor method and k was estimated with Skaggs method. The variations of f and k with water table depth (z) were determined. The arithmetic mean of f and k were calculated equal to 0.0118 m3/m3 and 0.3055 m/d, respectively. The weighted average of f and k with weight of z were 0.0116 m3/m3 and 0.2392 m/d, respectively. Also, using the concept of average function, f and k according to z were estimated equal to 0.0117 m3/m3 and 0.3093 m/d, respectively. To evaluate the values of F and k, the distance between specific drainage was calculated using the modified Glover equation. The results showed that when the water table is near the ground surface, the k value is dependent on several factors and k is not only a fuction of z. With increasing z, the values of f partially and k significantly decreased. The proposed inverse solution technique is a simple and convenient method for estimating f and k. The main advantage of this method is using the actual scale of the soil, as well as its heterogeneity and anisotropy.


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