Methodology for Groundwater Monitoring Network Assessment and Design, Part 2: IranEvaluation of Monitoring Network by Acceptance Probability Method; Case Study: Shirvan Aquifer, North Khorasan, Iran

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Faculty member, Hydroinformatics Department, East Water and Environmental Research Institute (EWERI), Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Water Science and Engineering, Kashmar Higher Education Institute, Kashmar, Iran

3 Manager of Water Resources Basic Studies, Regional Water Authority of North Khorasan, Bojnord, Iran.

4 Expert of Water Resources Basic Studies, Regional Water Authority of North Khorasan, Bojnord, Iran


Groundwater monitoring networks provide important data which are necessary to understand the dynamics of hydrogeological systems. Since the cost of the installation and maintenance of groundwater monitoring networks is extremely high, optimal design and the assessment of the effectiveness of the monitoring networks is necessary. This paper presents the application of a newly developed geostatistical method based on the acceptance probability concept, to optimize the existing network of observation wells in the Shirvan alluvial aquifer, located in North Khorasan province. To this aim, by choosing a suitable semi-variogram and using ordinary kriging, the acceptance probability in the aquifer was calculated. Then, based on the spatial pattern of groundwater level, the acceptance probability was calculated for various parts of the aquifer and the acceptance accuracy values were analyzed at different levels of probability. The results showed that based on the existing observation wells network, 19.2% of the aquifer area has a very high acceptance accuracy. On the other hand, by modifying the network of existing observation wells and adding suggested points, 46.7% of the aquifer area will have a very high acceptance accuracy. Therefore, the installation of new observation wells in the proper locations will increase the accuracy acceptance and improve the efficiency of the observation well network.


Main Subjects

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Volume 9, Issue 3 - Serial Number 25
Groundwater balancing: easy yet difficult to imitate!
December 2022
Pages 1-10
  • Receive Date: 11 March 2022
  • Revise Date: 11 May 2022
  • Accept Date: 30 May 2022