Analytical note: Developing the digital water resources Atlas in Iran: the necessity, vision and strategies

Document Type : Other scientific contents


1 Assistance Professor, East Water and Environmental Research Institute (EWERI), Mashhad, Iran.

2 Assistance Professor, Kashmar Higher Education Institute, Kashmar, Iran.

3 Expert, Office of developing guidelines and criteria of water industry, Iran Water Resources Company, Tehran, Iran.


Data and information are the key basis for decision- and policy-making in water resources management as well as coping with contemporary challenges of climate change. In Iran, there is significant knowledge gap between data preparators (experts) and data users (policy-makers). Although there are various and many types of data collected regularly, but there are still deficiencies in data processes, producing required information for managers, disseminating and reliable access to information. In this vein, developing digital water resources Atlases and analyzing their related experiences can play an important role in providing capacities to disseminate useful information and enhancing water governance. The main aim of this study is to provide concepts and experiences in developing digital water resources Atlas in Iran. Furthermore, this note is reviewing the history of developing water Atlas in Iran, analyzing the macro-level documents and evaluating critical challenges in this regard. Finally, the vision and main strategies of developing water resources Atlas in Iran are suggested.


Main Subjects

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