Measuring the effect of economic activities of Iran on water, land and human demand in 2012: an input –output approach

Document Type : review paper


1 Islamic Azad University

2 Shahriyar branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Zabul University, Iran

4 Water and wastewater in Hormozgan Province, Iran


Assess the ecological effects of economic activity on the water, earth and man in the Iranian economy approach using input - output tableWater is a vital resource for each biological and economic phenomenon. Water is considered as a production input. Production is not possible without water in all economic sectors. Also, the environment including air, soil, fauna and plants utilize water in their bioprocess, therefore the quantity of water demand is not limited only to final and intermediate demand in economic sectors. In this paper effect of economic activities and ecological water footprint, land and human has been investigated using an input- output table with method RAS in 2012. Data of this study derived from national accounts and water statistical yearbook data. First, production multiplier coefficient of sectors links and then water, land, and human multiplier coefficient, are calculated. In fact, the calculated multiplier coefficient expresses the relationship between final demand and water, land, and human in physical quantity terms in Iran’s economy. Results show that one unit of demand or investment in agricultural sector requires 65722 m3 of water. Also, this quantity in industry, mining, building and service sectors are 13922, 1227, 3260 and 1005 m3 respectively. Also, the results of land multiplier coefficient show that one unit demand or investment(in terms of billion Rials) in agricultural, industry, mining, building and service sectors requires 137552, 27888, 6419, 1832 m2 land respectively. Also, the results of human multiplier coefficient show that for one unit demand in the agricultural sector, 4 people employed directly and indirectly. Mining sector per one unit demand or investment requires one people. The mining, building and service sectors require 3, 5 and 2 people (directly and indirectly) respectively.


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Volume 3, Issue 1 - Serial Number 6
Selected Papers of the First National Conference on Water Economics
September 2016
Pages 23-30
  • Receive Date: 16 July 2016
  • Accept Date: 16 July 2016