Social Marketing in the Field of Water and Wastewater Industry Based on the Grounded Theory Approach

Document Type : Original Article/Regular article


1 PhD Student, Department of Management and Accountıng, Islamic Azad University of Alıabad katoul Branch, Aliabad Katoul, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Ghazali Institute of Higher Education, Qazvin, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management and Accountıng، Islamic Azad University of Alıabad katoul Branch, Aliabad Katoul, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Management Department, Faculty of Social Sciences & Economics, Alzahra University, Iran


Systematic function of marketing along with other techniques and concepts in order to achieve specific behavioral targets for fulfilling social results is social marketing. The purpose of this study is to design a social marketing model in the field of water and wastewater industry in the country. The used method in the research was qualitative and it was conducted by the use of Grounded Theory strategy. For this purpose, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 experts and specialists in a targeted manner using the snowball method. The data is regularly structured using the Strauss approach, which emphasizes the steps of data analysis, including open, axial, and selective coding, and the development of a logical model with a visual description of the generated theory. After all encoding steps, the final model was achieved. The findings showed that the main strategic subjects were: education, development of communication and reminders. The components of the categories include the following, respectively: increasing the level of awareness and public education, education of housewives, distance education, compiling educational materials and holding explanatory classes and courses and training at schools for the subject of education; holding exhibitions, press forums, putting up posters, pictures and playing films, printing slogans about economizing and advertising in the media for the subject of development of communication; and putting up boards and sending individuals to homes for reminding about economizing for the subject of reminders. Finally, preserving and saving water resources, reducing government and household expenditures, observing justice in water distribution, preventing water rationing, preventing exit of currency from the country and creating the foundations in the country for economic growth and development were identified as the consequences of the final research model.


Main Subjects

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