Water Resources Management Indicators Focusing on Governance

Document Type : Conceptual Paper


1 Ph.D. student, Department of Water Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Water Science and Engineering, Department of Water Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Social conflicts around the water axis, salinization of water resources, declining groundwater levels, etc. indicate the existence of major shortcomings in the country's water management system. Some of these consequences are due to natural factors such as drought, climate change, etc. Another part is affected by water governance policies. Governance and management are similar in general, but in fact management in the form of executive and governance activities is the existing structural framework for the implementation of those activities. Water governance is a range of political, social, economic, and administrative systems that exist for the development and management of water resources and the provision of water services at various levels of society and is a direct mechanism for people's livelihood. Another reason for the importance of governance is the relationship with some macro indicators of society. The indicators of good governance vary according to the circumstances of each society. In the process of evaluating good governance, any kind of judgment and evaluation should be based on certain criteria and indicators. Localization of indicators in any society will accelerate the achievement of stability in the desired area. In this article, with the aim of being aware of the global knowledge in order to implement good water governance in the country, the various stages of changes in world water management were examined and its effects on domestic water policy and management were pointed out. Then, a comparative study of local water resources management and indigenous knowledge with indicators and principles of good governance was conducted. Finally, by explaining the context and structure of the principles of governance in the country, it became clear that good governance will be possible through accountability, the right to comment, and social justice, which are of great importance.


Main Subjects

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