A New Approach to Reducing Water Odor and Taste in Kardeh Dam Using a hybrid ultrasonic, super aerator and absorption system,Case Study: Mashhad Water Treatment Plant No. 1

Document Type : review paper


1 PhD student of Engineering Water Structures, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Supervisor of wastewater networks maintenance, Mashhad Water and Wastewater Co, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Water Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.


Geosmin and MIB are the common factors causing odor in the water. Water treatment plants usually employ the conventional processes such as aeration, coagulation, flocculation, chlorination or ozonation and adsorption as preventive measures to reduce water odor. But each of these processes alone cannot completely remove the smell. The smell of fish, grass and mud greatly depends on the excessive growth of algae in warm seasons. Geosmin is the major cause of water odor in Mashhad water treatment Plant No. 1, which is usually formed when rural, urban and industrial wastewater as well as agricultural effluents, fertilizers and nutrients enter Kardeh Dam and cause excessive growth of algae in hot seasons. As the only existing hybrid system, the present research is financially justifiable in addition to being technically feasible and considering the operational conditions of Mashhad Water Treatment Plant No.1, is the only executable plan. This hybrid water treatment plant employs an ultrasonic system and deep aeration to remove algae. In the deep aeration process using super aerators, pollutants are eliminated in a two-phase air and water process with ascending air currents. Clarifying and final purification is hen carried out with the help of the absorption method and combined charcoal and activated carbon filters installed at the spillway and pulsator outlets. This is the first time the process is proposed and it is able to provide up to 95% reduction in geosmin related pollutions.


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