Neyrpic-Modules Evaluation for Intake Structures in the Water Providence to Downstream Areas: A Case Study of the Sefidrud Irrigation and Drainage Network

Document Type : review paper


1 Tehran

2 Boali sina


At the present one of the most important factors in increasing the efficiency of the distribution network and farmers' satisfaction is the optimum performance of the intake structures. Thus, for an equitable distribution all over the network, information must be obtained on the normal operation of these structures and in the event of a problem action must be taken to resolve it. The main problem is the failure to supply water to the farmers located in the downstream of the network. While in some parts of the network, channels operate at their greatest capacity. In this research we have attempted to identify the reason why water was not able to reach the lower parts of the network as well as to evaluate the water distribution of each intake. Therefore the operation of a part of the Neyrpic-Modules of the Langrood canal was evaluated. The results showed that a number of the water intakes struggled to provide the necessary water needed in the downstream areas. There is no existing equity distribution in the network coverage areas. It was also found that because of malfunctioning intakes a large amount of water was lost. The loss of water through the intakes is the main reason for the lack of water reaching the farmers downstream of the network. The reason for this loss depends on many factors. The most important factors include: the Neyrpic intake fatigue, malfunctioning of regulating structures, channel erosion, and the lack of a program for the operation of the network by the authorities.


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