Analytical note: Experimental implementation of the water market in the study area of ​​Khaf, Razavi Khorasan province

Document Type : Analytical note


1 Secretary of Water Market Coordination Committee and water planning expert of Khorasan Razavi Regional Water Company

2 Director of the Office of Planning Research and Economic Surveys of Khorasan Razavi Regional Water Company

3 Vice President of Khorasan Razavi Regional Water Company Planning


The water market is a new window for consumption and demand management. This market is a place where new water demands are met and natural and legal persons with a license to withdraw from underground water resources through saving or increasing water efficiency can enter a part of their water rights into the water market through a mechanism. Industries and mines or farmers who need surplus water should buy this water right and transfer it to their well or transport it to the place of consumption through a tanker.


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