The Position of Economic Sectors in Isfahan Province Based on the Consumption Approach Using the Input-Output Model

Document Type : Original Article/Regular article


1 Department of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


Restriction of water supply along with increasing demand in recent years has made water scarcity a serious problem in Iran. Today, researchers emphasize that the solution to the problem of water scarcity is not only to increase supply but also to demand management. Because water plays a key role in sustainable development and regional planning focuses on regional potentials and benefits, water resources management is an appropriate strategy for achieving sustainable development. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate water consumption in the economic sectors of Isfahan province using the water footprint index and data-output table. The results of this study showed that according to the water footprint index, although the "agriculture" sector is still in the first place in water consumption, but its share of total consumption has decreased from about 91.73% to 67.81% and the share of the "products industry" Food, Beverage and Tobacco ”has increased from 0.40% to 14.74%. This result shows the difference in water consumption with the water footprint approach compared to the traditional approach. Also, the results of this study showed that the per capita water footprint of each citizen in Isfahan province in 1390 was equal to 2767 m3.


Main Subjects

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