Water Management Accounting (Transleted)

Document Type : Review Article


1 alzahra

2 khatam tehran


Water accounting is a new science that is organized to provide information on the physical volume of water, water economy, economic considerations of water supply and its use. Water initiatives for business and in business have ballooned in the 2010's because of concerns over increased uncertainty surrounding water supplies as well as competing demands. The challenge is how to improve accounting given the lack of available detailed data on which companies can base their business decisions about water scarcity, water surpluses and water management opportunities. Corporate Water Management Accounting is a recently proposed extension to Environmental Management Accounting designed to support corporate management decisions and improve both economic and environmental water-related business outcomes. Water initiatives and current literature focusing on external water reporting is lack water accounting information for decision making. Based on both the literature and gaps in current water initiatives, the paper concludes with a set of specific research issues in corporate water accounting settings along with ways in which water accounting researchers can contribute to the future management of water by businesses.
ترجمه و تلخیص از:Christ K.L. and Burritt R.L. 2017. Water management accounting: A framework for corporate practice. Journal of Cleaner Production, 152: 379-386.
Translate of:
Christ K.L. and Burritt R.L. 2017. Water management accounting: A framework for corporate practice. Journal of Cleaner Production, 152: 379-386.


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