Methods of Surface and Ground Waters Management in Mineral Activities

Document Type : Technical paper


Mining has been one of the long-standing activities required for human life. With increase in the share of various industries in human civilisation, the dependency on mineral resources has become more pronounced. Mining around the world affects surface and ground waters resources. Part of these risks is allocated to the workshop space inside the mine and the factory. Much of the other actions and reactions that occur outside the mineral environment in nature, become leading to contamination of water, soil, and air. These impacts could be due to inappropriate extraction, unstructured design, lack of control over water leakage in mines, non-standard waste deposit, wastewater emancipation of processing factory, and non-reclamation of the mine. Corrective actions can reduce the severity of these effects and significantly control them. The level of water usage can be minimised by changing the extraction method, proper reuse and water conservation practices. The negative impacts of mining on water quality can be reduced through runoff control, waste management, and monitoring of mine outputs. Injection into caverns, suitable design, and mine reclamation can prevent groundwater exposure. At all mine personnel levels, the role of education and the justification of the developed requirements should not be forgotten since, without it, laws and regulations will not be effective.


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