Introduction to the Concept of Energy Efficiency in Agricultural Water Pumping Stations

Document Type : review paper


1 Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

2 University of Tehran


In recent years, energy costs have had a greater increase compared to other agricultural expenditures. Revising the conditions of agricultural pumping stations, their energy consumption, and using new methods to improve efficiency have an important role in saving energy. In this study, the methodology of determining energy efficiency in agricultural pumping stations is investigated. The energy efficiency of the pumping station is studied according to three factors of: inherent efficiency of the pump, the energy consumption efficiency from input and output power differences, and the potential efficiency differences due to the level of similarity of the pump characteristic curve with the system resistance curve. The evaluation of the pump energy and operation efficiency, on a case study, indicates that the pump is operating at the optimum performance based on the results of the comparison between the measured values of discharge and the pump operation curve. However, the energy efficiency index was 25% during pump operation and the energy consumption efficiency from input and output power differences based on the Nebraska pumping criteria was 52% due to the mismatch of the pump characteristic curve with the system resistance curve. Results show that the total efficiency of the consumed energy in the pumping station, based on the aforementioned factors, is estimated at 11% where the greatest amount of energy losses in the studied system was due to the wrong pump selection.


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