Investigation of the Criminal Protection of Water Rights

Document Type : review paper




Undoubtedly, the power of any country to regulate, allocate, and control water resources depends primarily on the existence of a legal framework to manage and protect water resources. The rules and approaches to protect water rights in many countries, including Iran, are often complex and dispersed, and are very far from the modern modes of water management. The criminal protection of water rights has been sporadically observed in the laws of Iran, both before and after the Islamic Revolution. These regulations do not provide the opportunity for the public to have a fair share of water resources. On the other hand, they do not prevent the commission of abusive behaviours against the water resources, and maybe these laws have somehow intensified the water crisis in the country. Iran's comprehensive water legislation, followed within the framework of the constitution and general policies of the system, with regards to the economy, security, and political value of water, aims to solve the existing challenges and is committed to the effective protection of water rights.


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