Investigating The Role of Livelihoods Diversity in Resilience and Welfare Level of The Rural Community in The Face of Climate Change (with Emphasis on Drought)

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor. Department of Economics, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

3 Ph.D. student, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, University of Tehran, Iran


Resilience is recognized as a potential capacity of a community at risk that faces hazards for adaptation or resistance to change to achieve or maintain an appropriate level of performance. Occurring environmental changes, rural areas are affected more and more vulnerable. Considering the importance of resilience in understanding the syntax of dealing with critical issues, this study examines the role of livelihoods diversity in resilience and welfare of the rural community in facing climate change using the factor analysis method with 5 indicators and 38 sub-indices in 2019-2020. In this study, 206 questionnaires were completed in the village of Jaro in Alborz province. To achieve the research goal, using Cronbach's alpha was first used to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire. The results show that 38 factors are questioned in eight groups. In the first group (the most important group), many indicators such as participation in collective employment activities, familiarity with new market needs, business development through the use of new technologies, business development through the use of new technologies, experience in a variety of occupational environments, learning new skills in economic activities reflect the importance of recognizing the basic needs of the market and increasing the ability of villagers to carry out alternative agricultural activities in crisis.


Main Subjects

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