Identification of the lost economic opportunities in uncompleted projects of water and wastewater industry

Document Type : review paper


national water & wastewater engineering company of Iran


The water and wastewater considered as one of capital intensive industrials in Iran because it has 436 thousand milliard rial in fixed asset, 32.8 million rial in monopolistic market and the share of 0.05 % in GDP. The statistics showed that there is approximately 22 % of facilities and equipment in industrial production process as uncompleted projects. The need for macro investment, the limited financial resources and pricing, the government credits problems, the crises of water shortage, environmental pollutions and …these are reasons for special attention to optimal use of investment resources in water and wastewater sector. Identification of the lost opportunities in uncompleted projects and planning for completion and proper use of these projects have significant effects on the optimal allocation of resources that it is essential for wealth creation and public capital formation in order to the facilities development and promotion of water and wastewater standards. On basis of the goal, this study is identified the lost opportunities and economic impacts in uncompleted projects by using of economic technical approach in period of 2000-2014. Results indicated that the economic factors have a significant share in opportunity cost of uncompleted projects (338581 milliard rial) that it can be the valuable guide for senior management and industry sector in order to the production promotion , the completion of uncompleted projects and efficiently and effective of activities.


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Volume 3, Issue 1 - Serial Number 6
Selected Papers of the First National Conference on Water Economics
September 2016
Pages 1-8
  • Receive Date: 16 July 2016
  • Accept Date: 16 July 2016