Estimating the Residential Water Demand Functions of Anar City with an Emphasis on Indoor and Outdoor Consumptions

Document Type : review paper


Shahid Bahonar


Knowing the factors affecting water demand is essential for the management of demand, which will become better through analysis of consumer reactions to price and income changes. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting water consumption and calculate the price and income elasticity of sample households in the Anar city located in Kerman province. To achieve this goal, 120 questionnaires were completed by sample households in 2015. According to the results of the estimated logarithmic models, variables such as price, income, age, education, and the number of bathrooms and toilettes were identified as the factors affecting indoor water consumptions. Also, variables including price, income, number of taps, number of cars, and the number of pots were identified as the factors affecting outdoor water consumptions. The estimated price and income elasticity are indicative of the low elasticity of water demand compared to current prices and household income. Moreover, results indicate that the price and income elasticity of indoor consumptions are less than price and income elasticity of outdoor consumptions.
Residential water demand, Indoor and outdoor consumptions, Price elasticity, Income elasticity, City of Anar.


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