Analytical note: Water sensitive city (excerpt from the book Cities Sensitive to Water; Idea and Action Plan. Authored by Dr. Mohammad Fazeli and colleagues)

Document Type : Other scientific contents


1 Director of Sustainable Development Office, Consumption Management and Social Studies of Mashhad Water and Wastewater Company, Iran

2 Social and cultural sustainability expert of Mashhad Water and Wastewater Company, Iran


Most of Iran's cities are located in geographical areas with severe water resource limitations. The development of cities for various reasons has caused an increase in water demand and the need to supply water to cities is increasing day by day. So far, this increase in demand has been answered due to the focus on the water supply approach, mostly through solutions such as transferring water from extra-basin sources and excessive withdrawals from aquifers; which has led to the destruction of water resources and the reduction of supply capacity. Therefore, dealing with this crisis and adapting to water scarcity requires a fundamental change in urban development policy and water management in cities. And this importance cannot be achieved except by changing the direction of water management from supply management to demand management. In this regard, in order to solve this challenge, the participation of all creditors including policy makers and decision makers, citizens, media, private sector and governmental and non-governmental institutions is needed. In this regard, the idea of ​​"water-sensitive city" is proposed as a platform to attract the participation of all borrowers with the aim of sensitizing and changing their mental conditions and using all the communication and social capacities of the society in the way of water consumption management.


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