Investigation of crop cultivation pattern of Semnan and Ilam provinces by emphasizing the role of virtual water in water productivity

Document Type : Case Study


1 Economics Department, Al-Zahra University, Iran

2 Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Al-Zahra University, Iran


Along with global warming and declining freshwater resources, a new approach to improving the water productivity of agricultural products focuses on the role of virtual water in agricultural products; So that the production pattern based on the goal of maximizing water productivity gradually replaces the traditional patterns based on the goal of maximizing production and performance. In this study, using TOPSIS algorithm, the cultivation pattern obtained from optimization with the aim of maximizing the water productivity of selected crops was compared with the common cultivation pattern obtained from the goal of maximizing profits in Semnan and Ilam provinces. The results of reviewing and ranking the crops in the above two cultivation patterns show that in both provinces, the values of crop proximity coefficient in the optimal cultivation pattern are relatively higher than the current cultivation pattern. In other words, under the same conditions (i.e., planting area stable, crop prices and average cost of production), the cultivation pattern obtained from the goal of maximum water productivity in the studied provinces is in a better situation compared to the cultivation pattern obtained from profit maximization.


Main Subjects

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