Development of Water Resources and Modern Management Transformations in Irrigation

Document Type : review paper


MSc Student of Irrigation and Drainage, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.


Water resources are of vital human resources and of the three main elements of ecosystem. Almost half of the agricultural products of the world are being produced in irrigation schemes. In today's world, the population is considerably increasing and consequently severe shortage of food threatens about two-third of the world's population. Moreover, water resources are facing more serious crisis and shortage in comparison with other vital resources. Accordingly, these resources must be skillfully managed and carefully controlled both at current time and in the future. Development and improvement in utilization of water and soil resources and optimization of management of schemas/irrigation and drainage schemes are tied to constructive cooperation and interaction among the development practitioners, specifically the main agents (organizations related to the Department of Energy, Ministry of Agriculture, etc.). Among the new steps taken concerning water are the recognition of how water resources are developed, realization of modern management transformations in irrigation and a special emphasis on organizations, public participation in the environment and appropriate governmental goals regarding utilization and development of water resources. The most efficient management developments depend on local (natural and humanistic) conditions. Certainly, documentation of observations and experience and also knowledge management play a highly significant role in perception of the local conditions and recognition of the best solutions. Transformation in the irrigation management is a gradual process including the training of farmers, stepwise task assignment to them, pricing of water to procure enough funds for utilization and maintenance of the schemes, and eventually full executive and financial autonomy of the irrigation scheme.


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