Analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental Effects of Insufficient Supply of Surface Water from Farmers' Perspective, Case Study: Varamin Plain- Mamlou Dam

Document Type : review paper


university of ardakan


In this study, the socio-environmental and environmental impacts of insufficient supply of water from the Mamlou dam have been investigated from the viewpoint of farmers in the Varamin plain. Moreover, the actions taken by the farmers to tackle this problem has been evaluated using the Likert scale. Accordingly, the effects of the impact on farmers were classified as: very low (1), low (2), somewhat (3), high (4), and very high (5). A 4-stage cluster sampling was done randomly. This research was carried out in 1395 with 320 questionnaires which were extracted and analysed through the Excel software. The results showed that on average the maximum and minimum effect of the insufficient supply of water from the farmers' point of view was to reduce the cultivars (4.4) and land subsidence (1.8), respectively. This view is due to the farmers' lack of awareness of the negative environmental impacts of water scarcity. By investigating the measures taken by the farmers to deal with water scarcity, it was determined that modern irrigation (1.25%) and alteration of cultivars (1.5%) were the least actions taken by farmers to deal with the lack of adequate supply of water in the Varamin Plain. The reason for the decline in the desire to use modern irrigation systems for farmers is the high cost of implementing a modern irrigation system and the robustness of the banking and administrative system to provide facilities for mechanisation of agriculture.


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