Factors affecting water consumption pattern and optimizing in household sector of rural areas (Case Study: Bushehr rural areas)

Document Type : review paper


1 دانشگاه خلیج فارس بوشهر

2 Rural Water & Wastewater Company, Bushehr


This research has been done in order to assessing factor that are affecting on optimizing water consumption method in household sector of the rural areas of Bushehr township. The used method for gathering information in this study is descriptive and analysis. So that first, effective factors on water consumption method has been recognized after that the questionnaire has been provided. 257 consumer has been selected as samples among the 6964 Statistical Society with error coefficient 0.06. The questionnaire includes 43 questions in 7 steps and 2 ranking questions. In second step questionnaires has been analyzed using SPSS software. CRONBAKH coefficient for questionnaire is 0.907, since it is higher than 0.70, it is constant value. Results of the duad comparisan matrix questionnaireshow that, the most important effective factors on water consumption method, in the experts opinion are detaching drinkable and hygienic water, advertising and informing, training and tecnology. According to the consumers' responses, the most important effective factors on optimizing are related to advertising and informing, training, detaching drinkable and hygienic water, tariff reforming and water price.


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