Guide for Authors

Dear authors, when submitting a new article, you are required to enter the full names of the authors on the site.

Articles Writing Guide

 Conflict of interest Form

Commitment form

  •  An article that does not have the order to write the publication and the forms of commitment and conflict of interest are not uploaded in the publication system, will not be discussed in the meeting of the editorial board of the publication.
  • Articles are reviewed by the editorial board and evaluated with the cooperation of experts, and if accepted, will be published in turn according to the rules of the journal.
  • The author (s) is responsible for the accuracy of the content of the articles.
  • The editorial board is free to reject articles. Editing articles with the coordination of the authors is also allowed for this journal.
  • Authors should point to and appreciate the centers or individuals who have been influential in shaping their research. Also, if necessary, the research sponsor is mentioned in this section and will be appreciated.
  • Failure to follow the above procedure will delay the acceptance and frequent round trips and time on the article.