Paradigmatic Pattern of Cultural Resilience in Zayandehrud Water Shortage Crisis

Document Type : Applied Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Cultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Cultural Management, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Isfahan, Iran.


So far, many researches have been conducted in various fields of the water shortage crisis, mostly in environmental and economic fields, and in a few of them, attention has been paid to the influence of cultural elements as a moderating factor of the effects of this crisis. The present research has been formed to provide a paradigmatic pattern of cultural resilience in the water shortage crisis of Zayandehrud, which was carried out using a qualitative method and grounded theory approach. Using theoretical sampling and the snowball method, the number of 24 people who were interested and concerned in the field of water shortage issues and had sufficient information, experience, or knowledge in this field were selected and during the in-depth interview Semi-structured, they expressed their answers. Data analysis was done with the Colaizzi method in the framework of grounded theory. The Lincoln and Goba evaluation method was used to validate the research, and the validity of the data was confirmed by going back to the interviewees and two coders. The findings were 22 categories, "accepting the phenomenon of water shortage as a reality" as the pivotal phenomenon, 3 categories of causal condition (sufficient information, water literacy, communication) 4 categories of contextual condition (hope, religious beliefs, attachment to the residence, economic dependence) 5 categories of intervening condition (trust, pragmatism, attitude, social responsibility, collective cooperation) 5 interaction strategy (change in habits of oneself and others, participation, prevention, saving) and 4 categories of consequences (productivity, entrepreneurship, creativity and awareness) were categorized.


Main Subjects

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